Why Leaders Should Implement “Point of Use” for Office Workers using Microsoft Teams

Computers have always had cutting edge functionality and use potential. Office workers taking advantage of that functionality potential, not so much!

For decades, computer functionality and use potential has far outpaced the skills and workplace processes in office environments. With Microsoft 365, leaders have the new ability to ensure office computer users fully leverage the functionality of the computers and programs they’re paying for.

The Lean concept of “point of use” means inventory, tools, etc. are kept right where they are to be used by workers.

This concept eliminates inefficiencies because:

  1. Workers do not have to leave the job site to get things.
  2. The things workers need are always within arm’s reach.
  3. Workers do not have to “switch context” or waste time going after what they need.
  4. There does not need to be a second storage location and processes are simply better and faster.

By putting what workers need within arm’s reach, management ensures efficiency and eliminates recurrent wasted time.

Likewise, office workers often need information that is stored in different locations, or they need to switch apps, all while working within a single process.

For example, trainers may keep their own spreadsheets, SharePoint lists, or Word documents, but also be required to document training information into a corporate-driven application.

Switching between the two or more applications and locations means multiple clicks, navigation to other locations (travel time), dedicated focus to selecting the right icons or network drives, etc.

What should only take one click takes several clicks and a constant changing of focus (context shifting). The information they need is not within arm’s reach!

Microsoft Teams gives leaders the same power as storing things within workers’ arms’ reach on an assembly line. “Channels” can be built within a Team for individual processes, and then the tools (apps, files, etc.) can be placed as tabs. This one-time action then makes all those things one click away in the same interface.

While each eliminated click may save only 1-2 seconds, when multiplied times the number of times that click is saved across the entire workforce and times every workday, the savings mount up. Considering this easy improvement can be made for every information and collaborative process in an office, plant, or department, the savings can be incredible.

The most successful organizations don’t get to be the best by coming up with single enormous improvements. They become the best by never missing an opportunity to eliminate even the tiniest of inefficiencies. They know the power of compounded small improvements.

End-users, whether in the field or in the office, cannot make these Microsoft 365 improvements on their own. It takes a leader to expect or mandate the improved processes, and it takes a 365 Process Leader to make the changes centrally in Teams.

Once these simple improvements are built into Teams, wasted time is permanently eliminated without the need to teach end-users a single thing. End-users simply work within a “channel” and everything they need is intuitive and one click away.

Taking advantage of “point-of-use” efficiency on the computer requires leaders leading, not trainers training.

If you have questions about how this functionality works, please email me at [email protected].

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